How does it work?
SuperForm has 3 major functionalities:
Update items - With SuperForm you can not only insert new items, but you can actually also update existing items with new data!
e.g: Allow a non monday user to approve a project via form.
Support additional columns (people, connect boards, mirror, formula and subitems)
e.g: If you want to open a ticket via form, you can select a person in a people column and/or a relevant item this ticket is related to (project/ customer/ product etc.) , via connecting boards column and add subitems in a list or table view.
Support multiple boards and conditional filtering - Ability to select filtered items from another board.
e.g: You manage timesheet reporting form. You can now report an activity, and connect it to a customer and to a specific project (based on customer’s projects which are set up in other boards).